Contact Us


Submit the form and we'll contact you to arrange an appointment. For immediate scheduling, please call our new patient hotline:


Littleton, Colorado

  • 271 W County Line Rd Littleton, CO 80129

Lafayette, Colorado

  • 300 Exempla Circle #370 Lafayette, CO 80026

Denver, Colorado

  • 4500 E. 9th Ave #630 Denver, CO 80220

Lone Tree, Colorado

  • Sky Ridge Medical Center, Evergreen Building 10107 RidgeGate Parkway, Suite 300 Lone Tree, CO 80124

About Your Initial Fertility Consultation

Simply provide us with a few details and we will happily answer your questions or send you additional information. You can also call the center nearest you.

We now offer remote telemedicine consultations directly from the comfort of your home or place of work.

During your initial consultation, we will review your history, answer any questions you may have, and form a preliminary plan for testing, diagnosis and treatment.

The initial consultation costs $200 for those without insurance coverage.

Experience Success First Hand

Call to ScheduleRequest We Call You
Schedule Your First Visit866-762-3140

Existing patients with inquiries, please call your local office or send a message via the Artemis Patient Portal.