Egg Donor Application

Donor Prescreening Questionnaire


Helping another woman become a parent is the greatest gift you can give them. Our anonymous egg donors at Conceptions believe in families and the inner strength of every woman. Donating your eggs and supporting another woman to become a mother is a highly personal decision but one based in caring and compassion.

Egg Donor Requirements


We are actively seeing inspired and empowered women ages 19-33 years old to donate their eggs for patients in need.

Anonymous Egg Donors are compensated up to $7,500 for their time and effort and can donate up to six times. Qualifications to become an egg donor include:

  • Healthy women 19 to 33 years old
  • No significant personal or family history of medical/health conditions
  • No significant personal or family history of mental health conditions
  • No recent travel to Zika virus regions or current Coronavirus disease.
  • BMI between 19-29 (BMI Calculator)
  • Non-Smoker
  • No Drug Use for 12 months (No marijuana for 3 months)
  • Regular periods
  • No body piercings or tattoos for 12 months (unless using sterile technique)

We are currently not accepting egg donor applications. Please check back at a later date to apply.

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Existing patients with inquiries, please call your local office or send a message via the Artemis Patient Portal.