Fertility Medications

Understanding Fertility Medications

Depending on your age, infertility diagnosis, and other circumstances, alternative or additional fertility treatments may be required to help you become pregnant. Hormonal medicines, insemination procedures, and advanced reproductive technologies are just a few of the options available to help you overcome fertility challenges.

Speaking to your doctor is the first step in determining which course of treatment is right for you. Our fertility specialists at Conceptions are prepared to answer any questions you may have about medications and treatments on your journey to a healthy pregnancy.

Based on your test results and medical history, your physician will determine the type, timing and dosage that best suits your needs. Some common infertility medication and their uses include:

  • Antagonists – Prevents premature ovulation and the midcycle hormonal surge that can result in cycle cancelation.
  • GnRH Agonists – Encourages the growth of multiple, high-quality eggs during an IVF cycle.
  • Gonadotropins – Stimulates the fluid-filled sacs, or ovarian follicles, to develop multiple eggs. Most patients receive a mix of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and hMG (human menopausal gonadotrophin) during an IVF cycle.
  • hCG – Encourages the eggs' final development before retrieval.
  • Progesterone – Ensures adequate amounts of progesterone are in the body following egg retrieval until the placenta begins producing its own.

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