What is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)?

ISCI ensures fertilization and is recommended for male infertility or for couples that have failed fertilization in a prior IVF cycle. ICSI involves the microscopically guided injection of a single sperm into a mature egg.

Blastocyst Culture

Blastocysts, or fertilized embryos in their 5th day of development, may offer a viable alternative to Day 3 embryo transfer for some IVF patients.

Depending on the patient's age, diagnosis and the quantity and quality of embryos available, our team of embryologists may recommend waiting until Day 5 for the embryo transfer.

Embryos that are capable of progressing to the blastocyst stage of development typically result in higher implantation and pregnancy rates with fewer transferred embryos, reducing the risk of higher-order multiple gestations.

This technique is typically used for patients who responded well to ovarian stimulation and produce numerous healthy eggs.

Your embryologist will review your unique situation to determine if you may be a candidate for this procedure.

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