New Patients

We’re glad you found us! Late night Google searches about IUI’s, talking with family and friends about their last cycle, a quick conversation with your OB/GYN about your fertility, or maybe you just want a second opinion. We understand what you’re looking for.

artemis patient portal app for conceptions colorado

Introducing the Artemis Patient Portal, the most comprehensive patient portal for fertility care. With 24/7 access, you can manage your fertility journey from any location, anytime.

This portal is your constant companion in your path to fertility, offering unparalleled support and resources.

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If you’ve been trying to get pregnant or can’t stay pregnant, we can help here at Conceptions.

Your fertility treatment experience is supported by success. Our live birth rates are among the highest in the US thanks to our commitment to techniques and technologies like extended embryo culture, blastocyst biopsy, PGT-A, luteal phase stimulation, egg freezing, and frozen embryo transfer. Science supports success.

Your success is also supported by a team of compassionate and experienced providers who understand the many emotions of infertility and will make you feel like family. Some of us have been fertility patients too!

Once you’re ready to schedule a New Patient appointment, you can fill out a form online below.

New Patient Appointment Form

Telehealth Appointments Available


We are pleased to offer remote telemedicine consultations directly from the comfort of your home or place of work. During your initial consultation, we will review your history, answer any questions you may have and form a preliminary plan for testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

Our initial new patient consultation is $200 for those without insurance coverage. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 303-794-0045.

To assure a complete copy of medical records for services rendered outside of our center, you must initiate a separate medical release request to the rendering physician, hospital, or laboratory directly.

Complete Online Paperwork

Questions to ask on your new patient consultation?

  • What are your success rates for my age group? Published delivery rates in your age group should be at or above the national average
  • How long does the infertility work-up process take? Diagnostic work-up should be completed in 30 days or less.
  • Does the center routinely perform single embryo transfer with PGT-A and frozen embryo transfer? This paradigm has demonstrated to be highly safe and effective for IVF and reduces complications from multiple deliveries.
  • Does the center account for endometrial synchronization at embryo transfer? Implantation and success rates are improved with FET.
  • Are their costs in line with their success rates? If fees seem excessive or discounted too heavily, ask additional questions about cost. Do they have a financial counselor to talk with before you start treatment?
  • What level of access will I have to my care team during my cycle? Are they open for comprehensive care seven days a week?

Experience Success First Hand

Call to ScheduleRequest We Call You
Schedule Your First Visit866-762-3140

Existing patients with inquiries, please call your local office or send a message via the Artemis Patient Portal.